Saturday, August 31, 2019

Advantages of Using Ict in Learning Process at Higher

Assignment 1 Academic Writing Skills BBB3301 NAMA : ABDUL IYAD SHUKREE MATRIC NO : UK250 COURSE : COMPUTER SCIENCE OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING LECTURE NAME : CIK WAN NURHAFEZA WAN SALAM TOPIC : ADVANTAGES OF USING ICT IN LEARNING PROCESS AT HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS TOPIC 1 : Higher education institution is a place where the student that past the high school with the good result gathered together. Local university or private college became a dream place for student to continue their study.Higher education institute is totally different to them compare to school life. At this stages , they will face a new place , variety of course subject and different way of teaching. If we focus on different way of teaching , Information Communication Technology (ICT) became a main role for a learning process. ICT has been chosen because of several reasons that are enables to gain information and knowledge faster and further , supports information and knowledge sharing on a large scale and save our time and cost in a learning process.ICT will continued act as a catalyst in advancing education growth and backbone to education in higher institution. As stated in â€Å"Effective Blended Learning for Development†, article by Charles Meguire and Jiping Zhang ,even the barriers of distance and time , the ICT will overcome this resistance to gain a new information and knowledge and significantly improve their accessibility. For a result , information and knowledge can be sharing faster. Besides that , ICT becomes a gold key to achieve a main goal for a higher education institution as place that provide first class learning rocess. Without worry the barriers of distance , ICT can make a students able to attend and understanding a topic in a class even do not take part in a class. According to article by Elyssa Krosski , â€Å"Advantages of online class† , by a online class or video conference, student can access and attend the online anywhere. Other than that, there are no limits for student on online class so ICT gathered a student even across a worldwide. Students today prefer to use a email or social network to exchange information and sending a message.This situation should be used as a advantage for higher education institution to attract their student interest in learning process by using an ICT. As a conclusion , ICT need to be used by a higher education institution because of the ICT enables to gain information and knowledge faster and further , support information and knowledge sharing on a huge scale and save our cost and time in a learning process. In future , ICT will be standard method to use in learning process in each education institute and not only able in university and college.At the same time , ICT need to be improve from time to time to make sure the using of ICT in learning process keep reasonable. The government need to cooperate together with academic expert to make ICT become a reality and can give a advantage to all people . Works Cited : Meguire,C. , and Zhang,J. , â€Å"Effective Blended Learning for Development† http://www. jointokyo. org/files/cms/news/pdf/s2_benefits_v7. pdf Kroski. E. , â€Å"Advantage of Online Class† 10th January 2012, http://oedb. org/library/distance-vs-local/10-advantages-to-taking-online-classes

The Importance of Cultural Diversity in the Classroom

Schools are the topographic points where the kids shape their personalities and behaviour. Like a kid who shapes his or her personal mentality, even the school will be shaped by diverse cultural patterns and values of the society. In kernel, schools besides reflect the bing norms of the society for which they set up. Interrelated and closely bonded beliefs and values are really common the civilization of the schooling. In this chapter, an effort was made to associate the basic political orientation that underlines the civilization in the US with many nucleus values and beliefs. In add-on, a nexus was made to associate the basic political orientation as a agency of unwraping the deeper significance of civilization. Child raising is a really meaningful attack that one can utilize to uncover the deeper significance of the civilization. Rearing kids in a schoolroom has a strong nexus with the implicit in civilization of diverse cultural groups. Several writers in the yesteryear have tried to explicate what childrearing is, particularly in the context of bing cultural patterns. Almost all writers believe that childrearing is a mirror of different cultural political orientations along with patterns and values of different civilizations. Ogbu ( Ogbu, 1981 ) believes that parents prepare their kids for the society and the universe as they know and see it. Society can easy act upon and determine our schools. The nucleus values and patterns of the society are some of the critical factors that shape our schools. Educators, pupils and parents may ne'er understand the deeper significance of civilization within the atmosphere of school acquisition. Traditional definitions of civilization given by celebrated anthropologists may non be sufficient for planing and put to deathing school larning experiences that are so common in culturally different scenes. In this subdivision, we will handle objectifying civilization as the basic measure in the procedure of planing and building a simple and feasible definition of civilization. This simple working definition will assist us streamline be aftering school larning experiences among different people.What is exteriorizing civilization?A simple depersonalisation procedure that helps us in carry oning critical scrutiny of the political orientations that support accepted and acknowledged societal behaviour and cultural patterns. Political orientations and beliefs can reflect different facets of deep significance of civilization. Schools are the acquisition c entres that besides reflect the cultural norms of a larger sized society. Deeper significance of the civilization can besides be revealed through inspecting and measuring political orientations and any interrelated beliefs and values. One can besides uncover the deep significance of civilization by including communicating among parents, instructors and pupils, and different societal interaction forms, every bit good as childrearing methods and patterns.The Culture of Practice in a Fighting SchoolEvery instructor is different. Each one of them has ain ideological stance and apprehension of civilization. In fact, these two point of views shape how they see school course of study, larning procedure, teaching method and societal context that allow larning in school. In nutshell, the manner and mode in which a instructor understands the civilization influences in the school, will finally act upon his or her ability to supply meaningful and productive acquisition experiences to the pupils . This chapter will supply two chief benefits: It provides you a solid basis to grok cultural diverseness in a schoolroom ; It besides helps you larn how to learn traditionally underserved pupils, who come from diverse and experiential backgrounds. Hollins ( Hollins, 2006 ) reported about an attack, which was identified as a structured duologue, playing an of import tool to help change over the civilization of pattern followed in a low acting school. In such schools, instructors besides learned how to learn traditionally underserved urban pupils. The first portion of this chapter presents you the survey as reported by Hollins. On the other manus, the 2nd subdivision of this chapter deals with the things that instructors learned in their schoolroom, in the signifier of a construction that is planned at unwraping the deeper significance of civilization within the atmosphere of a school. The most critical constituents of this model are: Culturally mediated knowledge and Culturally mediated direction The chief end of this dedicated treatment is to convey an consciousness of the civilization of pattern in really low executing urban schools. This expertness will authorise you to measure your ain advancement as a dedicated schoolroom instructor and shun possible scenarios where you will be introduced unconsciously to the prevailing pattern of civilization.What is a structured duologue?It is an intricate procedure of acquisition, where all instructors come together in a survey group styled format, to discourse and larn more about their schoolroom duologues. In the procedure of carry oning a series of duologues, instructors can depict the unique successes and particular challenges they encounter in their schoolrooms along with groundss and testimonies from each of the take parting instructor. The most important benefit of a structured duologue procedure is the instructor ‘s ability to larn from other on different methods that can assist in bettering schoolroom patterns and pupil larning results.Identifying a Developmental TrajectoryHollins ( Hollins, 2006 ) besides worked on developing a developmental flight for alterations in the civilization of patterns in many of the underperforming urban schools. This flight involved three places and three markers. The places were: A Natal or initial civilization identified in many of the underperforming schools merely at the induction of the survey. A transitional place, when old patterns and values were replaced or changed with new 1s by the participating instructors A transformed civilization, where all take parting instructors adapted new and fresh values, patterns and perceptual experiences On the other manus, three of import markers suggested for alterations in the instructor ‘s civilization of patterns are: Teachers ‘ perceived perceptual experiences and sentiments about pupils, Teachers ‘ perceived perceptual experiences and sentiments about direction and Interrelationship among different instructorsLearning more about different placesThe natal place is a simple, yet effectual attack to structured duologue. The instructors of a school articulation as a group, in low acting schools, to keep a shortage point of view of their pupils to concentrate on a figure of issues like: Lack of accomplishments, cognition and information among pupils A sensed negative position of a pupil ‘s conditions of life An attitude that parents demo disinterest in their kids ‘s instruction In fact, every schoolroom is bound to take to differences in larning results. These differences could be due to a figure of grounds like: Student ‘s attempt and dedication towards surveies, Intelligence, accomplishments and perceived smarting Family ‘s societal position in the society In a natal place, instructors may or may non see each other ‘s schoolroom or they may or may non speak to each other sing their instruction methods. In fact, schoolroom direction delivered by instructors was private and confidential. School governments ensured that new instructor inductees were officially socialized into this new civilization. Following, will be the transitional place. During this place, instructors may ne'er speak negative about a pupil. However, it is rather hard to recognize similar results with all the instructional attacks used by the instructors. This issue resulted in a serious treatment about the bing relationship between the learning attack and the student-learning result. Dialogues about single instruction patterns veered towards personal, although single instructors were careful about presuming duty for larning result among pupils. Senior instructors started giving better attending to the initiation of new instructors by puting up informal and personal mentoring Sessionss. These Sessionss ever included proviso of counsel and aid about learning methods and attacks. On the other manus, transformational place is the last place that emerges during the 3rd twelvemonth of the survey. The positive facet of this place was that instructors ever talked positive about their pupils. In fact, positive result was the most important benefit of this place. With the induction of this place, instructors talked more about: The information pupils know and understand What should they cognize more about What instructional methods appeal them the most Teachers besides found clip to discourse many other issues like: The bing relationship among learning methods and attacks Properties of the pupil community Learning results and consequences Teachers become more antiphonal by taking full duties for their pupil ‘s acquisition results. Teachers besides start speaking more about their pupils ‘ strengths, failings and other related issues. In fact, everyone in the pubic knew about what pupils are making and how they are executing. Teachers took each other ‘s suggestions earnestly, visited other ‘s schoolrooms and subsequently assumed full duty for their ain schoolroom actions. All senior instructors started taking extra duties about the new inductee instructors. Hollins ( Hollins, 2006 ) presented the construct of developmental flight that is closely related to the typology topic discussed in Chapter I. The flight and typology discussed here gives you three of import places with associating classs of indexs for gestating learning methods. When you compare places and indexs in the typology highlighted erstwhile in the first chapter of the book, with those of Hollins ‘ , many similarities may be between the indexs, across many places in the typology and the flight. For illustration, You can detect that the Type I instructors mentioned in the typology are about similar to the instructors that were mentioned in the natal place, particularly in the flight on indexs for instructors ‘ point of view on pupils and direction. On the other manus, many indexs in the transformational place lying on the developmental flight and in the Type III in the sphere of typology indicate towards the application of a instructor ‘s cognition and consciousness about: The intricate relationship between many pupil properties and experiences Instructional and learning patterns adapted by the instructor Learning result as a meaningful support for learning that is productive and consequence oriented. As mentioned elsewhere in the book, a structured duologue is an efficient tool for helping the complete transmutation of a community of learning pattern and patterns of single instructors. If you are a get downing instructor, who is merely get downing to interact with your pupils, you can utilize this tool to better your learning methods and patterns. The typology and the flight are really good to instructors, old or new, in many different ways. The term typology is descriptive ; it tries to explicate the perceptual place, and response of instructors who are hired to learn in K-12 schools. It is a really convenient tool for analysis, rating and self-contemplation for planned personal growing. On the other manus, developmental flight means the transmutation of the pattern of civilization in an underperforming school with that of a acquisition community that focuses on heightening pupil larning results. Tip: When you recognize different indexs of place in a civilization of pattern followed in a school, you can easy understand how to interact and discourse with co-workers and in what mode you can supervise and measure your ain single growing after take parting in a community of pattern. Both flight and typology are really good to instructors in many ways. However, the typology theoretical account presented before in the first chapter, merely detected the basic features of instructor ‘s perceptual experience and patterns along the lines of three places, and it did non supply a construction for groking the bing relationship between different civilization and school patterns. Hence, the balance portion of this chapter will supply a platform for understanding the bing association between scholar ‘s cultural backgrounds, schoolroom acquisition manner and larning results.Cultural Diversity in a ClassroomThis class model will supply you a theoretical position for culling cognition base from other chapters and clarify the construction to help application to pattern. The chief constructs embedded in the model will give a broader significance for turn uping self-identity within the scopes of a culturally diverse society for Making an enquiry into pupils cultural and experiential background, Undoing sensitive elements from purposeful larning for pupils who from diverse communities and survey in simple and secondary schools The other aim of this chapter is to do clear the bing relationship between civilization, knowledge, pedagogical patterns and many larning results. The implicit in construction for groking cultural diverseness in a typical schoolroom consists of two major parts, viz. : Culturally intervened knowledge and Culturally intervened direction The former refers to the mode in which a pupil ‘s encephalon, memory constructions and critical rational procedures enhance, support and develop within a given cultural context. On the other manus, the latter includes a figure of of import constituents like culturally intervened knowledge and prized cognition and accomplishments in school course of study and culturally right societal scenarios for larning experience ( see Table 7.2 ) . Bransford, Brown, and Cocking ( 1999 ) pointed out that, â€Å" all acquisition involves transfer from old experiences † ( p. 56 ) . The monumental work of Piaget and Vygptsky provides a theoretical land for understanding cultural diverseness in a schoolroom. This theory draws on available information processing to explicate different structural constituents among different civilizations, knowledge, and teaching method and learning experience for different cultural backgrounds. Note that you can happen structural constituents among the take parting persons and groups, who are analyzing under different school scenes. On the other manus, civilization is alone and dynamic with changeless alterations and alterations.Journal ActivityHow make you manage a culturally diverse schoolroom? Explain how you want to learn and develop your kids, particularly in the context of bing cultural patterns. Explain how you will develop an ability to supply meaningful and productive acquisition experiences to the pupils, who are analyzing in a culturally fighting school. Differentiate between culturally mediated knowledge and culturally mediated direction. Explain your program of action to do structural duologue a success.Pause and ReflectAs a instructor, why do believe that a structured duologue is an efficient tool for helping the complete transmutation of a community of learning pattern and patterns of single instructors. Supply grounds for your statement. What are the possibl e constrictions and possible jobs that are likely to harvest up, when you are utilizing structured duologues? Think of some schemes and programs to utilize different perceptual experiences.

Friday, August 30, 2019

A comparison of text and a production of Shakespeare’s Macbeth Essay

‘From page to stage’- A comparison of text and a production of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. I have decided to aim my coursework at the scene where Banquo’s ghost appears to Macbeth. I am basing my coursework around the reactions of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth, and also the way in which Banquo is portrayed to us in Shakespeare’s play and the performance, which we attended, by the Long Overdue Theatre Company. I am comparing each of these characters from the performance with the way that they are portrayed in the written version. In the TLOTC performance; we receive a calm atmosphere at the time of the banquet, however in the written version more mysterious version is revealed to us. In the production version I don’t feel we were given a very clear image of how Macbeth changed throughout the scene. The text initially portrays an image of how horrified Macbeth is when he sees Banquo sitting at the table. When reading the play we can visualise what’s happening throughout the scene. We can visualise how Macbeth talks to Banquo as though he is fully human and is really there. We see this by the way Macbeth speaks to Banquo, â€Å"Never shake thy gory locks at me.† It is in this way that we can tell clearly what’s happening in this scene. The TLOTC portrays this to us well, I feel that they gave us the clear view of Macbeth’s feelings towards the ghost. I feel that this helped us to realise the fear that Macbeth felt. They showed Macbeth’s actions clearly, he was very shaken and scared, I feel that the tone of voice he used was very effective. I feel that we learn more about Macbeth’s astonishment and disbelief in the TLOTC performance than in the text. Macbeth asks † Which of you have done this?† This shows us that Macbeth is in shock at what he is seeing before him. In the performance we are able to see the facial expressions, I feel that this helps us to get a clearer view at what Macbeth is feeling. Whereas in the written version we can only try and visualise what Macbeth is feeling. The tone of voice use helps us to realise the tension which Macbeth feels. Each time Banquo entered the room Macbeth’s tone of voice changed: it became shaken and very loud. I think that Ben Shockley portrayed this very well in the performance. Macbeth tries to tell the others what he sees before him. He say’s to them â€Å"If I stand here I saw him.† In the written version we can’t tell what type of voice is used so less emphasis is put on Macbeth’s words. The supernatural elements were portrayed to us more clearly in the performance. In the written version Shakespeare gives very few stage directions. In the LOTC production I felt that the sound effects that were used each time Banquo’s ghost appeared were very effective, in the way in which we are able to tell when Banquo’s ghost was appearing. We get none of this build up of tension from the written version. I feel, however, that the written version is much fuller than that of the performance as the impact of Shakespeare’s language was more obvious. This was particularly at the beginning of the scene, where Lady Macbeth seems to have a very calm, patient attitude towards Macbeth. Lady Macbeth says to the others in a calm voice â€Å"Sit, worthy friends, my Lord is often thus.† We can see Lady Macbeth’s attitude change towards Macbeth in both the performance and the written version. When she hears Macbeth speak to the ghost but she doesn’t know who her husband is talking to. Lady Macbeth tries to be strong and reassure everyone that Macbeth’s behaviour should not alarm them, when she says to them: † My lord is often thus, and hath been from his youth.† As Macbeth begins again to talk to Banquo Lady Macbeth’s attitude changes again, she begins to panic a lot more. I feel that the way she was panicking partly was giving away their innocence. Lady Macbeth’s panic is conveyed on stage when she say’s â€Å"Pray you speak not, he grows worse and worse, questions enrage him. At once, good night.† In the LOTC performance and in the written version Lady Macbeth is shown as the stronger person between her and Macbeth. Lady Macbeth begins to get so antagonised that she begins threatening Macbeth’s right to call himself a man: she say’s † What, quite unmanned in folly?† I feel that the performance gives a better view on Lady Macbeth’s strong will to keep her and Macbeth from looking guilty. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth not to worry as she is afraid that all his worrying will give away their innocence. I feel that the blood, which appeared from Banquo’s mouth and nose, helped the audience to visualise Banquo’s presence as a ghost, of a murder man, intent on making his killer suffer.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

What are the most important stratgic of quality mangent Research Paper

What are the most important stratgic of quality mangent - Research Paper Example Applying some tools of Total Quality Management is the secret of that successful. The most important strategies of Total Quality Management that should be established in the successful companies are quality circle, quality improvement team, quality of human resources, and employing the six sigma as one of the strategies. First understanding and employing quality circle drive companies to success. The order of quality circle that will be following is starting from main management of the company through employees, product or service, and customer which ending in the company by getting higher income. First of all, employees are vital part of the companies since they are the people who are working to provide the service or production of the product. Only if the company has good employees, will it success. That is the reason of the hiring employee into the quality circle which will be the way of driving organization to success. According to Berry (1991), Managing the Total Quality Transformation, by the quality circle the employees should be wishful to share within the higher planning of Total Quality Management since their effort will be spent on, also staff will be more productively. That shows staff will be working with high quality in their work environment, if they participated in their department p lan because they will spend their energy and time on it. Secondly, customer satisfaction is the only logical method to maintain the high level of progress and success in companies. If the company won the customer satisfaction which could be achieved by the quality circle, that will be reflected on the increase in production and in their income. Which means itll have the opportunity to achieve a high percentage of sales and to widening the scope of the customer. According to Nocero (2002), in his article â€Å"Seal of Approval† customer could control cost of products or services by their satisfaction. Therefore, the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Minicase-10(Managerial Accounting) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Minicase-10(Managerial Accounting) - Essay Example Restricted stock is that part of equity of the company that is allotted or sold on a conditional basis in lieu of compensation to be paid or as a part of ESOP. The conditions associated with the restricted stock would be that the investor should hold the stock for certain period of time. Another condition would be that the Employee needs to stay with the company for certain period of time to be eligible to trade in the restricted stock. Companies need to disclose the Stock based employee compensation in the Notes to the financial statements. 1ESOPs should be accounted based on Fair value based method of accounting or intrinsic value based accounting. Compensation cost under the fair value based method is measured at the option grant date based on the value of the option and is recognized over the service period, which is usually the vesting period. Compensation under the intrinsic value based method is the excess, if any, of the quoted market price of the stock at grant date over the amount an employee must pay to acquire the stock. Restricted stock awarded to an employee is measured at the market price of the non-restricted stock on the grant date. However, if a restriction is imposed after the employee is vested with the stock, then restricted stock is accounted at the fair value of stock calculated after taking into account such restriction. The major advantage of ESOPs is that the compensation cost pertaining to ESOPs is not charged to profit and loss account but is just disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. This would enable the companies to show more profits. Now the proposed accounting change of FASB is to make the companies to charge ESOP to the Profit and loss account. This will reduce the profits of many companies and hence the price of the stock of the company, this would prevent these corporate managers from selling the ESOPs granted to them. Apple

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

To Live Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

To Live - Movie Review Example The script of the movie is intentionally divided into several distinct parts which cover different periods of time. There are 4 decades represented in the movie. The 40-s are characterized by the civil war and revolution in China. They are changed by the 50-s and building communist industrial China. Cultural Revolution enters the country in 1960-s. The end of the movie covers a period after all these events. All these historical events are showed with the help of fiction story integrated in the narrative. It is a story of Fugui, a former landowner and a person who has to live. The story begins in 1940-s, which Chinese civil war unexpectedly changes lives of all people in the state. Fugui has already lost everything; his addiction to bargaining ruined his family and left his without a tile above his head. He manages to cope with poverty and his hard work brings his wife Jiazhen back to him. He is again inspired to live; he wants to ask for credit from the landowner who won his family mansion, but he gets a set of shadow puppets instead. The war enters his life accidentally; during one of the performances of his shadow puppet theater, the knife stubs the curtain and all actors are taken to the nationalist army. Fugui is adaptable to any change in his life; he happens to entertain people in the army by his performances. Eventually he misses the major attack and finds out that nationalists have been killed; only he and his puppet theater partner Chunsheng survive. They try to run away, but the Red Army catches them. They entertain people here again and get back homes alive. On the battlefield, Fugui says the most important words: â€Å"I want to live. There is nothing like family†. Having survived the war, Fugui’s family has a new challenge – to survive the building of Communism. They become very poor; his wife delivers boiled water to people to earn for living. Their daughter

Monday, August 26, 2019

Film coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Film coursework - Essay Example The most interesting aspect of Braudy and Cohen’s Film Theory and Criticism (6th edition), is the discussion of the female characters and their context in the Horror films (Braudy & Cohen, 2004 p36). The argument presented here is that; despite the presentation of women under a problematic image, â€Å"the audience reaction may either subvert it or undercut it† (Braudy & Cohen, 2004 p27). The idea is interesting in the sense that, the argument indicates that despite showing women as bad in the Horror film, people are not likely to buy the idea, or even if they would want to do it, they will still undermine the bad image as portrayed by the film, or at least weaken the seriousness of the bad image presented about women, in their interpretation (Storrs & Tyrrell, 2008 19). There are several reasons that can underline this argument. First, women are believed to be members of the weaker gender, according to gender stereotypes. Therefore, their image in the minds of the peop le, mostly the audience, is that of weak individuals, who are not directly confrontational and harmful, meaning that they are always subject to being dominated over by their male counterparts (Merrell, 1985 p23). This being the case, it therefore becomes very hard to convince the minds and the perception of the people that women are capable of being extremely dangerous and harmful, as could be painted by the bad image about them in the Horror movie. While it is observed and generally agreed that women are capable of many things, including being evil and capable of causing harm to others, it is still not convincing that they are extremely harmful, to the extent of fitting into the bad image portrayed in the Horror movies (Eberwein, 1979 p44). Therefore, people will tend to either undermine the bad image that is portrayed of them, or at least weaken its seriousness. Secondly, the feminine notion has always painted women as the victims, rather than the culprits or the oppressors (Barsa m, 1976 p12). This makes it extremely difficult to persuade the minds of the audience that women are capable of causing the extreme harm associated with horror films, since such is expected to have them as the victims. Therefore, any portrayal to the contrary cannot easily persuade the mind of the audience (Andrew, 1989 p37). Despite the Braudy and Cohen’s argument being crafted back in the year 2004, it has its true applicability well beyond the foreseeable future. To conclude, a question arises; what can the future Horror film makers learn from the Braudy and Cohen’s theory, regarding women’s role in the horror film? The future convincing power of the Horror film is locked in the portrayal of women as the victims, and not the contrary. Piece of Work Two: The scene Analysis In this analysis, through applying the semiotic theory, I shall analyze the post wedding scene in the Me, Myself & Irene (2000) film, where Charlie (Jim Carrey), has just wedded Layla (Trayl or Howard), in a wedding ceremony attended by his colleagues, who are state police officers of Rhodes Island (Jacobs, Farrelly, Cerrone, Farrelly & Carrey, 2000 p68). After their marriage, Charlie and Layla are ferried in a limousine by a dwarf black American driver, Shonte (Tony Cox), who is offended by Charlie’

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Personal Point of View on Commanding Wife, Downfall Assignment

Personal Point of View on Commanding Wife, Downfall - Assignment Example As the author declares "every man wants a beautiful wife. I got one. Every man wants a brilliant and tough woman. I got one. Every man wants a woman that can stand up for herself. I got one. What else do I need? Twenty years later, she controls my thinking, she has modernized me, changed me from the cowboy man I used to be. I no longer wear my hats and boots like before. I am used to being in suits and matching ties. I am a different person. I am more responsible, and I have to consult her before making any decision. Do I fulfil the requirements of the men being masculine and domineering in the patriarchal society? What has become of me? Everyone keeps saying that I am being controlled like a small child? Is that so? [Pause] Has my life become well with my commanding wife or not? On a contrary thought, my commanding wife has helped me a lot. I was a wreck before, a drunkard, a useless bastard. I did very little to make my life better. All I did was sit†¦sit in the ranch and drink. Waste the whole day with friends in the motel†¦drinking and partying was the way of life. Look at me now, I have a job, I even built a house. I did not know I had so much potential. What was I waiting for? For my parents to push me around? No way†¦ they got tired of me a long time ago. See what my commanding wife, she took me as I am. I was a no one. I am now a living testimony of change. Why are people condemning her? I just do not understand how people think and behave. If I live a bachelor, they complain, if I marry, they say I am not man enough. I am tired. So tired [pause]. The good thing is that I love my wife. Whether commanding or not, she is my life, she is my support system. I admit that without her my life is useless. Actually, I do not know what I would d o if she left my world if she said she would live. I would surely die. My commanding wife, you are me, you are my life, and you are who that I dream of†¦ [Singing]. "

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Budget Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Budget - Assignment Example It constructs, reconstructs, maintains, and snow and ice removal throughout the state. It also provides funding for rail, airport, bicycle, pedestrian, and canal programs as well as local government highway and bridge construction. MTA is one operator under DOT besides other more than one hundred and thirty operators running the transportation system. The budget provides funding for DOT capital program of over $3.5 billion to facilitate capital improvement of highways, rail, bridges, aviation infrastructure, non-MTA transit, and DOT facilities. The first $150 million in the $750 million proposed above, for state and local bridge initiative to accelerate the rehabilitation of a hundred bridges serving critical freight, agricultural and commerce corridors. $477.8 million is set aside for funding local highway and bridge projects under Consolidated Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) and Marchiselli program. DOT will also invest $50 million to accelerate planned fleet upgrades such snow plows, up-fitting heavy pickups to assist in snow removal and installation of vehicle management systems (New York State, 2015). The main transit system will get $4.8 billion of transit operating aid for systems throughout the state broken down as $4.35 billion in new funding and $464 million for other transit systems. An extra $121.5 million is proposed from downstate taxes to fund capital expenses for MTA Downstate Transit Systems. Thruway Authority is to be funded with $1.285 billion for Thruway Stabilization Program for expenditures on NY Bridge, and statewide system. The authority will also continue receiving $85 million in overall support including $21.5 million via direct appropriation. Towards the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), the Executive proposed an all funds appropriation of $324.9 million with $199.2 million as capital funding while the rest are fees charged by various departments (New York State, 2015). The Senate agreed with a majority of the budget

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Changes in Corporate Governance of Japanese Companies Essay

The Changes in Corporate Governance of Japanese Companies - Essay Example The essay "The Changes in Corporate Governance of Japanese Companies" talks about the Toyota company marketing strategy, its history from the company's inception and its main goals for the company's future. Toyota was initiated in the year 1933 as a branch of Toyoda Automatic Loom Works with the main purpose of vehicle production under the direction and control of Kiichiro Toyoda, the son of the founder. It initial automobiles was the G1 and the A1 passenger car produced in the year 1935. In the year 1937, the Toyota Motor Company was initiated as a separate and independent company. In the year 2008, the Toyota Motor Company became numbers one globally in terms of sales; it surpassed the sales of General Motors. In the year 1924, Sakichi Toyoda came up with (invented) the Automatic Loom of the Toyota Model G. this invention ensured that the automobile stops itself automatically when a problem occurs. This automatic loom thereafter became part and process of the Toyota car production process. In the year 1929, Sakichi Toyoda sold the automatic loom patent to a British company; and hence automotive development startup capital was found. In August 1937; the name of the company was changed and trademarked as Toyota Motor Company. As from September 1947; Toyota Motor Company sold a small vehicle under the Toyopet name; for example Toyopet SA, Toyopet SB truck, and Toyopet Crown. However, in 1957 the Crown name was not well received in the United States of America because of connotations to toys or pets.

A Comparison and Analysis of Two Works of Art Term Paper

A Comparison and Analysis of Two Works of Art - Term Paper Example The essay "A Comparison and Analysis of Two Works of Art" compares Willem de Kooning's "Woman 1" and Fernand Leger's "Woman with a Book". The simplicity of the art is appealing to the eye and the intrinsic blend of color is magnificent in a unique way. One of Fernand’s common quotes is creating art that everyone can understand. â€Å"Woman with a book† supports the latter claim by the simplistic, yet magnificent nature of its presentation. The technique and simplicity captivates the eyes of viewers visiting the gallery on the fifth floor at the MOMA. The plain background of art brings out the type of lines that Fernand uses to bring out the features of the woman. The most captivating thing about the piece of art is the expressionless face of the woman. This arouses curiosity from the art viewers trying to perceive the mood of the art and its context. Understanding a little about Fernand could shine a light on the latter. Là ©ger’s career started after he began s howing talent in fine art. Since his birth in rural France, his family prepared him to take over the family business of cattle dealership. He enrolled in architecture school after showing a talent in art and later to various colleges where he mastered several methods of artistic impressionism. Between 1905 and 1907, Là ©ger had no cubism painting; it was mainly impressionistic. By the time he went to fight as a soldier in World War 1, however, Là ©ger had fully adopted cubism and his work recognised along Pablo Picasso. Là ©ger’s form of cubism was unique.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Argumentative Essay on Gay Marriage Essay Example for Free

Argumentative Essay on Gay Marriage Essay Marriage is the ceremonial binding of two people, male and female, into one couple. Historically, marriage has been the institution when a man and a woman join together with the promise of love, devotion, to always stay together, to be there for each other, to take care of one another and to start a family together. Biblically, marriage has been all the aspects above, but including honoring, loving and growing closer to God and raising their family in ways that the Lord would have them, by abiding to the Word of God. Now days the traditional view of marriage is being changed by gay and lesbian couples demanding the same right to love, honor and cherish each other. This argumentative essay on gay marriage will explore both sides on the debate of gay and lesbian marriages. Historically, marriage was seen as a religious and civil union that brought together a man and woman for the purpose of joining family and to live the rest of their lives together. Biblical marriage was seen with the same purposes but including God in their marriage and to honor and obey the laws of marriage in His Word. Love may have been a big part of choosing a mate, or asking the person to marry you, but not the only factor. For Christians, we would not choose a mate; neither friends, nor family nor parents, but the Lord would choose â€Å"the one† for us. If you choose a mate, you would choose one that you could live with the rest of your life, who could put up with you and your shenanigans and vice-versa, who may have a lot in common or may not and so forth. Over time society has came to believe that love is the only reason to marry. No longer is marriage a union that is based on the future together forever and for starting a family, but just for enjoyment and emotional satisfaction. If it were to go wrong, or you just stopped loving that person, you could always back out and find another person to love. With these shifts in why to marry, what we have come to expect from marriage has also changed. Modern American society has changed its view of marriage. Society sees marriage as an institution whose purpose is to provide emotional satisfaction to the person concerned, and whose terms are negotia ble and revocable. Marriage, traditionally limited to unions between men and woman, in its modern state is slowly beginning to include the idea of same sex  couples. When love becomes the primary driving force to marry not the need to set up your own family then marriage can be open to any forms of partnerships. God institutes marriage in the Bible in Genesis chapter 2 verse 18, â€Å"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone.† The Word of God states that a man and woman be married in verse 24 of chapter 2, â€Å"Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.† Not a man and another man or a woman and another woman, but one man and one woman would leave their families to start a new one together, by marriage. God didn’t create Adam and Steve, but Adam and Eve! The book of Leviticus gives God’s rules to us for everyone, everywhere for all time, here on earth. Leviticus 18:22 â€Å"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.† Leviticus 20:13 â€Å"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: â€Å" God commanded that homosexuality is wrong, gay and lesbian marriage alike. It is an abomination is His sight. Romans 1:26b â€Å"for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:† Romans 1:27 â€Å"And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men†. It is not natural for man to like another man and want to be with him. It is the same with woman! As stated in the above paragraph, God created woman to be a help meet for men. Adam was lonely in the garden, so God created a woman from him! He didn’t create another man to be with Adam, but a woman. If homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord, then certainly gay marriage is wrong in G od’s eyes too! Marriage, between a man and a woman, husband and wife, is to be enjoyable, pleasurable, romantic, long-lasting and holy in God’s sight! God made men and women to live with, walk with, speak with, love, to be together and enjoy life together, not the other way. I believe in the way I was reared and taught, I believe in God’s holy, infallible, inspired and preserved Word, I believe in Biblical marriage – do you?

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Comparing The Yellow Wallpaper Story English Literature Essay

Comparing The Yellow Wallpaper Story English Literature Essay The work by Charlotte Perkins Gilman The Yellow Wallpaper and the work by Tillie Olsen both represent the genre of a short story. These stories are very much alike. Apart from the similarities they share, they have a lot of differences. Both works belong to the genre of a short story. However, they were written with an interval of sixty nine years. Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote her The Yellow Wallpaper in 1892. The work I Stand Here Ironing by Tillie Olsen was printed in 1961. Still, if to analyze the content of these stories it would be rather difficult to imagine this interval of almost seventy years. Both works deal with the same problem a females right for her personal happiness and self-realization regardless of her social duties of a wife and a mother. Both stories are told by women whose life went wrong because of their responsibilities towards their families. The narrator of the story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman The Yellow Wallpaper is an insane woman who has a husband and a child. Having suffered from a serious depression she takes a course of treatment. Though, it does not seem at all to have much effect on her. Doctors characterize her as a woman with slight hysterical tendency (Gilman). However her insanity aggravates. First she feels that there is something queer (Gilman) about her illness. She wants to relieve her mind (Gilman). She is tired of rings and things in her bedroom (Gilman). I Stand Here Ironing is a story about a womans sacrifice that she made after becoming a wife and a mother. She is not insane, but her feelings are of the same nature. The difference from The Yellow Wallpaper is that the narrator feels guilty. The narrator feels that she is responsible for her failings as a wife and a mother. She realizes that her best efforts were frustrated by such circumstances as lack of social services and inadequate pay. As opposed to the character from The Yellow Paper not only does she blame other people and life circumstances for her hard life and lack of her daughters confidence. It is hard to admit but the narrator is aware of her fault. But the main character of The Yellow Wallpaper does not seem to demonstrate any sign of such awareness. She considers that her family murdered a person inside her, but does not think about the fact that her husband needs her as a wife and her child needs her as a mother. She is an egoist. Both stories The Yellow Wallpaper and I Stand Here Ironing contain a lot of autobiographical elements. The story by Tillie Olsen includes such narrators recollection as being a young mother whose opportunities are rather limited, or being a wife who was abandoned. This story is autobiographical. Like the main character of the story I Stand Here Ironing Olsen also met some challenges in life. She struggled to balance her family life with her political ambitions and activism. The story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman tells about the authors own severe depression and mental disorder. She confessed that the presence of her husband and child even worsened her terrible state. Both the character of The Yellow Wallpaper and the character in I Stand Here Ironing are unfortunate miserable women. However, the narrator of I Stand Here Ironing is not the only unhappy woman in the story. This is the other distinction from the story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The narrator confesses in a phone conversation that her daughter Emilys childhood was rather rocky. Though she was a beautiful baby (Olsen), she was a very unhappy child, that cannot be helped (Olsen). However, these unhappy characters are united by one common problem: they do not see themselves as valuable creations. The narrator of I Stand Here Ironing is oppressed by environmental and her personal circumstances. She feels sad that she did not succeed as a wife; she laments her unwise and desperate choices that she made as a mother. Emilys fractured portrait comes from her mothers memories from the past. When her mother tell about her poor life, it becomes clear, that Emilys life was not better than her m others. She was a forgotten child. She suffered a lot; her development was slow, her nature was silky and gloomy; her self-esteem was very low; and her life was not a joy, but a survival in the brutal world. The narrator of The Yellow Wall Paper also feels sorry about her unrealized dreams and wishes. In contrast to the main character of The Yellow Wallpaper who has a serious mental disorder and blames her husband for unhappy life, the narrator in I Stand Here Ironing has the ability to analyze her life and her mistakes and determine the best way to solve her problems. However, she did not have this luxury long ago when she was a young and inexperienced mother. The woman is literary weighed down with constant demands of her family and domestic duties. Of course, being a mother she understands her responsibility for not very successive role in her daughter Emilys unhappy life, her development. However, this responsibility is not full. The narrator also blames environment, social conditions that can make the life of a single mother terrible. Thus, she cannot estimate in full how unhappy her daughter is. Both stories contain very bright symbols that reflect the inner state of both characters. These symbols are named in the titles of the stories. The main character of I Stand Here Ironing tells about her life while ironing clothes. Ironing is a backdrop for her thoughts, her considerations as a mother. The narrator in the story by Ch. Gilman is totally obsessed with the yellow wallpapers that cover the walls of her bedroom. The narrator believes that there is woman trapped inside. Her intention is to help the woman, though the narrator is afraid to reveal her intentions as she realizes that no one would ever understand her. By the end of the story a reader comprehends that the character is completely insane as she believes that she herself is a woman from the wallpaper. These symbols mean that both women have found something to distract from their grief. One of them hides in ironing and another one hides in wallpapers. Written in different periods of time both short stories have much in common. They are both told by women who are not satisfied with their family life. The work by Charlotte Perkins Gilman The Yellow Wallpaper and the work by Tillie Olsen I Stand Here Ironing are both masterpieces that raise serious questions of duty, self-esteem, personal self-realization and female happiness. Still, they also bear a lot of differences. Once one woman blames people who surround her, another one comprehends that her own fault is also great.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Report On Olympic Games

A Report On Olympic Games Every four years, millions of people turn their attention to one city where Olympic Games take place. Almost all major cities compete for the right to be the host city of the next Olympic Games. It is highly competitive competition as Olympics bring attention and spectators which provide huge revenue to the host city. However, for the host city Olympic Games begin much earlier as it takes years to prepare and organize such project. It is clear that no city in the world can host Olympics next day after being chosen. Further, this essay will observe election procedure of the host city and state main requirements of the IOC for the host city. In 1999 the new host city election procedure was confirmed by the IOC (International Olympic Committee). According to this procedure, the cities are checked for the appropriateness of the basic technical requirements. Then the cities which are passed through IOC Executive Board become candidate cities and permitted to pass to bidding process. During this process IOC Evaluation Commission visits and inspects all candidate cities. Eventually at the IOC session the host city will be chosen (John E. Findling: 265). The host city election procedure is complicated due to heavy responsibility which lies down on shoulders of both host city and the IOC. To prevent any kind of mistakes during Olympic Games the IOC has several technical requirements such as: Transport concept. Environmental conditions. Accommodation. Experience from the past sport events. Sport venues. Finance. (Factsheet. Host city election facts and figures. ( Leicesters transport concept includes transport systems within the city, East Midlands Airport and the Railway station. Special departments regulate the Leicesters traffic situation. Different IT systems and CCTV cameras provide a real time picture of the traffic situation within the Leicester. Digital Car Park Signs give all the information about available car park spaces throughout the city centre. In addition, there is a â€Å"Star Trak† information system which provides â€Å"next bus† information via signs at bus stops (Leicester City Council. Transport and streets). All these technologies support efficient traffic flow and ensure safety for both pedestrians and drivers. Visitors will find these facilities useful for them. However, the main problem is that how spectators from every corner of the world will come to the Leicester. The city is served by single railway station and East Midlands Airport which in addition works for Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. Moreove r, East Midlands serves domestic and European destinations with only few flights to holiday resorts (UK Airport Guide. East Midlands Airport). This means that more railway stations and international airport are needed to meet all the quests. In contrast, Beijing spent more than $4bn to build a new airport terminal and extra subway lines (Bristow M. BBC news). Apart from this, nearly  £80m will be spent to improve Docklands Light Railway (DLR) network in London. In addition, London will invest more than  £900 million to East London Line which will link the Olympic Park with the city. Line will connect with the DLR, Jubilee and District line and the North London Line (London 2012.Transport). In fact, even more developed cities than Leicester are forced to improve their transport systems due to Olympic Games. The second criterion of the IOC is the environmental condition of the future Olympic city. This requirement can be fully satisfied by Leicester as it became Britains first â€Å"Environment city† in 1990 and was among twelve cities which took part in the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 (Leicester City Council. Environment and planning). Since then Leicester keeps high standards of environmental conditions. For example, Leicester City Council uses the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), which helps to conserve environmental standards. As well as the EMAS, Leicester City Councils Environmental Policy plays vital role in maintaining and improving high environmental conditions in the city. The targets of this policy are reduction of carbon footprint, prevention of pollution, protection of trees and natural environment and promotion of using renewable energy. Throughout this policy Leicester City Council encourages the public to protect environment where possible (Leices ter City Council. Environment and planning). Furthermore, Leicester city achieved significant results in recycling of wastes. In partnership with Biffa Leicester the city of Leicester created the â€Å"Ball Mill† recycling facility which can recycle more than 70% of household waste from landfill. By this facility Leicester can recycle and compost nearly 33% of all wastes in the city (Leicester City Council. Environment and planning). Taking in consideration all these facts Leicester can be proud of their environmental condition, whereas Beijing invested nearly $20.5bn over the past 10 years to improve environmental situation during the preparations for Olympic Games (Bristow M. BBC News). Further, this essay will observe housing facilities where visitors can reside during Olympics. It goes without saying that the host city meets thousands of tourists coming for Olympic Games. In 2008, Beijing registered almost 382,000 overseas visitors. Organizers expected to meet 500,000 visitors, but visa controls decreased that number ( Therefore Leicester should have enough rooms to reside between 300,000 400.000 tourists. According to Leicester City Council there are nearly 26 hotels with more than 2000 rooms in Leicester. In addition, partnership with University of Leicester can provide additional 3096 rooms (Leicester City Council. Environment and planning. 2012 Preparation camps). As a result, there are more than 5200 rooms in total available for upcoming visitors. Of course it is not enough to reside more than 300,000 tourists, therefore more accommodation facilities should be build. For example, London offers 100,000 hotel rooms and nearly 30,000 beds in student accommodations to welcome all the visitors during Games (London 2012. accommodat ion). Experience of organising sport events is important as well as other technical requirements. Leicester has hosted Special Olympics GB Summer Games two times (Leicester City Council. Sports and fitness). 2700 athletes from 19 UK regions took part in 21 sports during Special Olympics 2009 (Special Olympics 2009). Actually, this is invaluable experience, but organisation of Olympic Games requires the hosting of 26 sports with more than 300,000 participants including athletes and spectators (London 2012. Games). In previous paragraphs this essay mentioned different features of the Leicester except sport venues which are directly connected with Olympic Games. There are might be hundreds of hotels, railway stations and airports in the host city, but without appropriate sport facilities the city will not host Olympics. Leicester has different sport venues, including Saffron Lane Athletics Stadium, Braunstone Leisure Centre and sport facilities of Leicester Grammar School. These venues contain modern facilities for badminton, tae-kwon-do, swimming, basketball and etc. However all of them have been already offered as pre-gaming training camps for athletes coming to London 2012 Olympic Games (Leicester City Council. 2012 Preparation camps). In comparison, Beijing has built 12 new stadiums which required $1.9bn (Bristow M. BBC News). As well as Beijing, London is building completely new Olympic Park which will contain nine sport venues including Olympic Stadium, the Aquatic Centre, the VeloPark and etc (London 2012. Venues). After all, it is clear that present sport facilities of the Leicester should be improved by financial support. Financial part of the Olympic project plays significant role in organising Olympic Games. The major cities like Beijing and Athens have spent $40bn and $16bn respectively to host Olympics. Apart from this, London has already invested $22.6bn for 2012 Olympic Games (Bristow M. BBC News). In contrast, according to Leicester City Council budget of Leicester in 2008/09 was  £779,788,900. In other words, Leicester should find more funding to host Olympic Games. Finally, I think that Leicester does not have clear disadvantages in contrast with other cities. However it will take more time and investments to host Olympics in Leicester than in Beijing or London. References: Findling J. E. Pelle D. K. (2004:265). Encyclopedia of modern Olympic movement. Westport: Greenwood Press. Extracted 01/02/2010 from, Bristow M. BBC News, Beijing. 31/07/2008. Extracted 29/01/2010 from, Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010 Extracted 29/01/2010

Monday, August 19, 2019

Nixons Secret Bombings in Cambodia :: President Richard Nixon

Why did President Richard Nixon decide to have secret bombing in Cambodia in 1969? A. Plan of the investigation: i. Subject of the investigation: Why did President Richard Nixon decide to have secret bombing in Cambodia in 1969? The purpose of investigating Nixon?s secret bombing of Cambodia is to understand his real intentions. Also, to find out why he had to hide this from the Congress and the media. Wouldn?t it mean that he is abusing his power by keeping it a secret and not getting permission to do so from the Congress? Last, but not least, is to understand how Nixon actually destroyed neutral Cambodia. ii. Methods: a. Evidences from the biographical books on Nixon and Henry Kissinger will be used to support my thesis and topic question. b. The internet will be another source to find out information on the backgrounds of Cambodia and the events that were happening during the period when Cambodia was secretly bombed. c. Research for real conversations that Nixon had with his other helping mates about the decision to secretly bomb Cambodia. d. Find out the real issue he had that led him to secretly bomb Cambodia. Especially when he did not get permission from the Congress, and when the public found out, how did they react to Nixon?s actions. B. Summary of Evidence: -George McGovern wrote, ?The secret, unconstitutional bombing of [Cambodia] was the clearest ground for a Nixon impeachment. It was a vastly more serious crime than the break-in at Watergate.?# - ?In 1973, after the bombing was finally discovered, both Nixon and Kissinger maintained?that the secrecy was necessary to protect Sihanouk, who was variously described as? ?allowing? the raids, so long as they were covert. They maintained that the areas were unpopulated and that only Vietnamese Communist troops, legitimate targets, were there.?# -Nixon had already known that the American ground offensive, from the summer of 1966 to the Tet offensive of 1968, had failed to destroy the North Vietnamese (communists). Therefore he had an offensive against the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Cambodia. The Communists were making an effective use of the Ho Chi Minh Trail through Cambodia. Suddenly, Nixon ordered the bombing of the Cambodian sanctuaries. His instincts were to respond violently to the Communist offensive.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Stereotypes and Stereotyping of Native Americans in The Last of the Moh

The Last of the Mohicans and Stereotyped Native Americans [1] Native Americans were part of this country long before our founding forefathers. They were the people that Christopher Columbus found inhabiting this land. There is even evidence to show that they have been on the American continents for thousands and even tens of thousands of years. Yet, somehow the European powers dominated these people, forcing them from their land to make it â€Å"ours.† In the early part of the twentieth century, a new industry began to develop; we call it the film industry. Along with the industry came movies that were made and are still made for the amusement of a mass audience. Some flaws did come with this industry, and among them was the depiction of Native Americans. â€Å"Anonymity is a feature of the Indian portrayed in film†¦many do not have names or speaking parts† (Bataille and Hicks 10). Native Americans often speak with a broken dialect or â€Å"baby† English. They are not able to fully understand or expre ss complete thoughts in the English language. This makes them appear to the audience as a lesser character. The second role of Native Americans in film is that of a sidekick or crony of some white hero, like Tonto in The Lone Ranger (1938). In these films â€Å"The Native American The Native American was placed into one of the following four roles: the first isthe comedic Indian, the jester of the frontier court. This Indian spoke in simple is clearly secondary in importance† and was never the hero (Crowdus 297). The two most significant roles of the Native American are the bloodthirsty savages and their counterparts the â€Å"noble† savages. [2] These two opposite characteristics were adopted from the â€Å"images and stereotypes wh... ...l, Stuart. â€Å"The Question of Cultural Identity.† Modernity and Its Future. Ed. Stuart Hall, David Held, and Tony McGrew. Cambridge: The Open University, 1992. 273-316. McWilliams, John. The Last of the Mohicans: Civil Savagery and Savage Civility. New York: Twayne Press, 1995. Pearce, Roy Harvey. Savagism and Civilization: A Study of the Indian and the American Mind. Los Angeles: University of California UP, 1988. Rosenstone, Robert A. Visions of the Past: The Challenge of Film to Our Idea of History. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1995. Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. The Disuniting of America. New York: Norton. 1992. Schwartz, Seymour L. The French and Indian War, 1754-1763: The Imperial Struggle for North America. New York: Simon &Schuster, 1994. Steele, Ian K. Betrayals: Fort William Henry and the â€Å"Massacre†. New York: Oxford UP, 1990.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Relationship Between International Law And Municipal Law

To know the relationship between International law and Municipal law, it is important to know what these to laws are. International law is the rules and conducts which deals with the conduct of states. To put into simpler terms, the international law is a set of rules in which the countries use in dealing with each other. The Municipal law is the internal law of the land. There are different theories that distinguish the difference of the two laws. The dualists or the pluralist theory states that international law and municipal law are different with each other in terms of their source, the relations they regulate, and their substance.Both of the laws differ in source because the international law came from treaties and customs grown among states while the municipal law is a product of local or domestic custom. They differ in the relations they regulate. How? The international law regulates the relationship of states with one another and is concerned with the external and foreign aff airs of the state while the municipal law regulates the relationship of individuals under the state and is concerned with the domestic affairs of the state. They also differ in their substance.The international law is a law between sovereign states while municipal law is the law of the sovereign over the individuals in the state. In this theory when a conflict arises as to whether what law should be used in dealing with an issue, the municipal law prevails. The dualists are positivists that biases greatly on state sovereignty. Next theory is the monistic theory or monism. In this theory, the international law and the municipal or domestic law are under one system of law. But there are two monistic theories that states what law should be used in settling disputes or the likes.One monistic theory has a stand that international law is superior to municipal law which is supported by Kelsen. It holds that international law is superior to municipal law because monistic theorists believe t hat international law can instill domestic order. Kelsen also believes that the international law encompasses every aspect of human life. Monistic theorists also see international law as a collective outcome of different local sovereigns. The other monistic theory believes that municipal law is superior to the international law

Pipeline Hydraulics Design Basis Engineering Essay

It includes the pipe and flow features of the transported fluid under specified operating conditions as established in the design footing.SpeedThe grapevine has to be laid for the distance of 770km between Portland and Montreal, the fluid in the pipe is Light Crude Oil. Speed of flow in a grapevine is the mean speed based on the pipe diameter and liquid flow rate. Its choice is first measure in the scheming process of our undertaking. The flow speed can hold both advantages and drawbacks. High speeds can do turbulency, and the contact of the fluid on the walls of the pipe which will do harm to the pipes and finally gnaw away the pipe, while low speed on the other manus can do the deposition of particulates in the line and cleanliness of the fluid will be compromised. Therefore, to avoid these problemsliquid lines are usually sized to keep a speed sufficient to maintain the solid atoms from lodging and besides to forestall the eroding of the pipe. Under these considerations the recommended speed is in the scope of 3ft/s to 8ft/s. From this selected scope of speed we have to choose a individual speed. The speed we have selected for our line is 5ft/s. This is the intermediate speed from the recommended scope and all the farther computations will be done on this speed.Velocity SelectionThe scope as mentioned above is taken every bit 3ft/s to 5ft/s. The following measure is to choose a individual speed from this scope. We have selected 5ft/s for our line. The ground for this speed choice is the tradeoff between pipe diameter and figure of pump Stationss. Harmonizing to continuity equation if we increase the speed, the corresponding diameter will cut down but the force per unit area loss will increase due to which a higher figure of pump Stationss are required. Similarly if we decrease the speed, the figure of pump Stationss will cut down but the diameter will increase for a given flow rate. Since the grapevine is laid over a long distance, the grapevine cost holds the major portion of the capital investing hence increasing the diameter will adversely impact the economic sciences of grapevine. This tradeoff is seeable in the computations shown in appendix A. The other ground for taking this speed is that if the flow rate fluctuates in the hereafter for any ground the diameter selected from this intermediate speed will be able to suit those fluctuations without impacting our system.Diameter CalculationCalculation of the diameter is the nucleus of the hydraulic designing.The diameter selected should be able to back up the emphasiss on the pipe, the capacity of the fluid and minimise the force per unit area losingss. Under given flow rate and false speeds, we can cipher the pipe diameter utilizing continuity equation:V=Q/AVolt: Flow speed Q: Volume flow rate A: Cross sectional country The flow rate is given as 109,000bbl/day or 7.1ft^3/s. The diameters are calculated at 3, 4, 5ft/s speeds and the several diameters are 20.83 † , 18.04 † and 16.14 † .Choice of DiameterAs mentioned above 5ft/s is selected as the recommended speed and the corresponding internal diameter ( ID ) is 16.14in.Nominal Pipe SizeFor the internal diameter later we have to cipher the nominal pipe size. To cipher the nominal diameter we refer to the â€Å" Pipe Data † provided for the Carbon Steel. From the tabular array shown in appendix B, it is found out that attendant nominal pipe size will be 18in.Features of FlowDifferent flow belongingss are calculated to find the government of flow, losingss in the pipes. The nature of the flow can be laminal or turbulent.There are two types of the losingss. Major losingss include the losingss due to clash in consecutive pipes and minor losingss due to decompression sicknesss, valves, tees. To cipher these we will be covering with Reynolds figure ( for nature of flow ) , Moody diagram ( for clash factor ) and head loss computations.LosingssAs the fluid flows through the pipe there is clash at the pipe wall and unstable interface in the consecutive parts of the pipe due to interference between the fluid and the walls of the pipe. This clash consequences in consequences in the loss of energy in the lineat the disbursal of liquid force per unit area and the losingss are known as the major losingss. Pipe systems consist of constituents in add-on to consecutive pipes. These include decompression sicknesss, valves, tees etc and add farther to the losingss in the line. These losingss are termed as minor losses.Experimental information is used to cipher these losingss as the theoretical anticipation is complex.Major LosingssThe force per unit area bead due to clash in a grapevine depends on the flow rate, pipe diameter, pipe raggedness, liquid specific gravitation, and viscousness. In add-on, the frictional force per unit area bead depends on the Reynolds figure ( and therefore the flow government ) . Therefore, the fluid in the grapevine will undergo force per unit area losingss as it runs in the line and cut down the operating force per unit area. This loss needs to be recovered and to keep the force per unit area pumps are installed at specific locations harmonizing to the demand ( pumps are discussed in Chapter in front ) . These force per unit area losingss are calculated by ut ilizing the Darcy-Weisbach expressiona?† P = degree Fahrenheit ( L/D ) ( V^2/2 ) I?Where, f=Darcy clash factor, dimensionless, normally a figure between 0.008 and 0.10 L=Pipe length, foot D=Pipe internal diameter, foot The force per unit area loss for speed of 5ft/s comes out to be 9625.15psi. All the relevant computations are shown in appendix A.Minor LosingssReal grapevine systems largely consist of more than consecutive pipes. The extra constituents ( valves, tees and decompression sicknesss ) add to the overall loss of the system. These are termed as minor losingss. In instance of really long pipes, these losingss are normally undistinguished incomparison to theA unstable clash in the length considered. But in caseA of short pipes, these minor losingss may really be major losingss such as inA suction pipe of a pumpwith strainer and pes valves.These losingss represent extra energy dissipation in the flow, normally caused by secondary flows induced by curvature or recirculation. Minor loss in diverging flow is much larger than thatA in meeting flow. Minor lossesgenerally increase with an addition in the geometric deformation of the flow. Thoughminor losingss are normally confined to a veryA short length of way, the effects mayA notdisappear for a considerable distance downstream. ItA is undistinguished in instance ofA laminar flow. The force per unit area bead through valves and adjustments is generallyexpressed in footings of the liquid kinetic energy V2/2g multiplied by a head loss coefficient K. Comparing this with the Darcy-Weisbach equation for caput loss in a pipe, we can see the undermentioned analogy. For a consecutive pipe, the caput loss H is V2/2g multiplied by the factor ( fL/D ) . Therefore, the caput loss coefficient for a consecutive pipe is fL/D. Therefore, the force per unit area bead in a valve or adjustment is calculated as follows:h=K ( V^2 ) /2gWhere, h=Head loss due to valve or suiting, foot K=Head loss coefficient for the valve or adjustment, dimensionless V=Velocity of liquid through valve or adjustment, ft/s g=Acceleration due to gravitation, 32.2 ft/s2 in English units The caput loss coefficient K is, for a given flow geometry, considered practically changeless at high Reynolds figure. K increases with pipe raggedness and with lower Reynolds Numberss. In general the value of K is determined chiefly by the flow geometry or by the form of the pressureloss device. Minor loss is by and large expressed in one ofA the two ways In footings of minor loss factor K. In footings length, tantamount to aA certain length of consecutive pipe, usuallyexpressed in footings of figure of pipe diameter. The minor losingss for our system are calculated and consequence in a really low value and can easy be neglected.Reynolds NumberFlow in a liquid grapevine may be smooth, laminar flow, besides known as syrupy or streamline flow. In this type of flow the liquid flows in beds or laminations without doing Eddies or turbulency. But as the speed increases the flow alterations from laminar to turbulent with Eddies and turbulencies. The of import parametric quantity used in sorting the type of flow in the pipe is called Reynolds Number. Reynolds figure gives us the ratio of inertial forces to syrupy forces and is used to find the nature of flow utilizing the recommended speed and the internal diameter. Reynolds figure is given byRe = I?VD/A µFlow through pipes is classified into three chief flow governments and depending upon the Reynolds figure, flow through pipes will fall in one of the undermentioned three flow governments. 1. Laminar flow: R & lt ; 2000 2. Critical flow: R & gt ; 2000 and R & lt ; 4000 3. Disruptive flow: R & gt ; 4000Friction FactorFriction Factor is a dimensionless figure required to cipher the force per unit area losingss in the pipe. Trials have shown that degree Fahrenheit is dependent upon Reynolds figure and comparative raggedness of the pipe. Relative raggedness is ratio of absolute pipe wall raggedness I µ to the pipe diameter D. For laminar flow, with Reynolds figure R & lt ; 2000, the Darcy clash factor degree Fahrenheit is calculated from the simple relationshipf=64/RFor laminar flow the clash factor depends merely on the Reynolds figure and is independent of the internal status of the pipe. Therefore, irrespective of whether the pipe is smooth or unsmooth, the clash factor for laminar flow is a figure that varies reciprocally with the Reynolds figure. For turbulent flow, when the Reynolds figure R & gt ; 4000, the clash factor degree Fahrenheit depends non merely on R but besides on the internal raggedness of the pipe. As the pipe raggedness additions, so does the clash factor. Therefore, smooth pipes have a smaller clash factor compared with unsmooth pipes. More significantly, clash factor depends on the comparative raggedness ( I µ/D ) instead than the absolute pipe raggedness I µ . In the disruptive part it can be calculated utilizing either the Colebrook-White equation or the Moody Diagram.Colebrook-White EquationThe Colebrook equation is an inexplicit equation that combines experimental consequences of surveies of turbulent flow in smooth and unsmooth pipe The Colebrook equation is given as:1/a?sf = -2log ( ( I µ/3.7D ) + ( 2.51/Rea?sf ) )But the turbulent flow part ( R & gt ; 4000 ) consists of three separate parts: Turbulent flow in smooth pipes Turbulent flow in to the full unsmooth pipes Passage flow between smooth and unsmooth pipes For disruptive flow in smooth pipes, pipe raggedness has a negligible consequence on the clash factor. Therefore, the clash factor in this part depends merely on the Reynolds figure as follows:1/a?sf = -2log ( 2.51/Rea?sf )For disruptive flow in to the full unsmooth pipes, the clash factor degree Fahrenheit appears to be less dependent on the Reynolds figure as the latter additions in magnitude. It depends merely on the pipe raggedness and diameter. It can be calculated from the undermentioned equation:1/a?sf = -2log ( ( I µ/3.7D )For the passage part between turbulent flow in smooth pipes and turbulent flow in to the full unsmooth pipes, the clash factor degree Fahrenheit is calculated utilizing the Colebrook-White equation given above:1/a?sf = -2log ( ( I µ/3.7D ) + ( 2.51/Rea?sf ) )Moody DiagramThe Colebrook equation is an inexplicit equation and requires test and mistake method to cipher f.To provide the easiness for ciphering f scientists and research workers developed a gra phical method known as Moody diagram.The Moody chart or Moody diagramis a graph that relates the clash factor, Reynolds figure and comparative raggedness for to the full developed flow in a round pipe.In the diagram clash factor is plotted poetries Reynolds figure. The curves are plotted utilizing the experimental information. The Moody diagram represents the complete clash factor map for laminar and all disruptive parts of pipe flows. To utilize the Moody diagram for finding the clash factor degree Fahrenheit we foremost calculate the Reynolds figure R for the flow. Following, we find the location on the horizontal axis of Reynolds figure for the value of R and pull a perpendicular line that intersects with the appropriate comparative raggedness ( e/D ) curve. From this point of intersection on the ( e/D ) curve, we read the value of the clash factor degree Fahrenheit on the perpendicular axis on the left.Other Pressure Drop RelationsHazen-Williams EquationThe Hazen-Williams equation is normally used in the design of waterdistribution lines and in the computation of frictional force per unit area bead inrefined crude oil merchandises such as gasolene and Diesel. This methodinvolves the usage of the Hazen-Williams C-factor alternatively of pipe roughnessor liquid viscousness. The force per unit area bead computation utilizing the Hazen-Williams equation takes into history flow rate, pipe diameter, and specificgravi ty as follows:h=4.73L ( Q/C ) 1.852/D4.87Where, h=Head loss due to clash, foot L=Pipe length, foot D=Pipe internal diameter, foot Q=Flow rate, ft3/s C=Hazen-Williams coefficient or C-factor, dimensionless In customary grapevine units, the Hazen-Williams equation can berewritten as follows in English units:Q=0.1482 ( C ) ( D ) 2.63 ( Pm/Sg ) 0.54Where, Q=Flow rate, bbl/day D=Pipe internal diameter, in. Pm=Frictional force per unit area bead, psi/mile Sg=Liquid specific gravitation Another signifier of Hazen-Williams equation, when the flow rate is in gal/ min and caput loss is measured in pess of liquid per thousand pess of pipe is as follows:GPM=6.7547A-10-3 ( C ) ( D ) 2.63 ( HL ) 0.54Where, GPM=Flow rate, gal/min HL=Friction loss, foot of liquid per 1000 foot of pipe In SI units, the Hazen-Williams equation is as follows:Q=9.0379A-10-8 ( C ) ( D ) 2.63 ( Pkm/Sg ) 0.54Where, Q=Flow rate, m3/hr D=Pipe internal diameter, millimeter Pkm=Frictional force per unit area bead, kPa/km Sg=Liquid specific gravitationShell-MIT EquationThe Shell-MIT equation, sometimes called the MIT equation, is used in the computation of force per unit area bead in heavy petroleum oil and heated liquid grapevines. Using this method, a modified Reynolds figure Rm iscalculated foremost from the Reynolds figure as follows:R=92.24 ( Q ) / ( DI? )Rm=R/ ( 7742 )Where, R=Reynolds figure, dimensionless Rm=Modified Reynolds figure, dimensionless Q=Flow rate, bbl/day D=Pipe internal diameter, in. I?=Kinematic viscousness, Central Time Than depending on the flow ( laminal or turbulent ) , the clash factor is calculated from one of the undermentioned equations:f=0.00207/Rm ( laminal flow )f=0.0018+0.00662 ( 1/Rm ) 0.355 ( disruptive flow )Finally, the force per unit area bead due to clash is calculated utilizing theequationPm=0.241 ( f SgQ2 ) /D5Where, Pm=Frictional force per unit area bead, psi/mile f=Friction factor, dimensionless Sg=Liquid specific gravitation Q=Flow rate, bbl/day D=Pipe internal diameter, in. In SI units the MIT equation is expressed as follows:Pm=6.2191A-1010 ( f SgQ2 ) /D5Where, Pm=Frictional force per unit area bead, kPa/km f=Friction factor, dimensionless Sg=Liquid specific gravitation Q=Flow rate, m3/hr D=Pipe internal diameter, millimeter

Friday, August 16, 2019

Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 Misinterpreted Essay

Reading Fahrenheit 451 one can only wonder on somewhat naà ¯ve, but nevertheless terrible prophecy of the dark future to come, brought on us by Ray Bradbury. Often seen as a work of fiction or anti-utopia, in fact this is just a social horror story, if such a genre can be invented for its description. The technologies depicted in Fahrenheit are rather primitive compared to modern times. Sure, Bradbury had extrapolated the TV screens of 50’s and predicted the invention of giant TV walls, with â€Å"presence effect† that allows the viewer to feel himself in the center of action. Bradbury had expressed the fears that TV means death of media of a previous generation, being the books. But, as McLuhan stated, the technologies of past ages don’t die so easily, â€Å"The dominant technologies of one age become the games and pastimes of a later age† (McLuhan, p99). As fears that cinema would mean the death of theatre had proved themselves to be incorrect, thus a larger-scale fear that TV means the end of books had proved itself to be false too. On the other hand, Bradbury hadn’t predicted the invention of a new media which would outscore the TV as much as TV outscores the books: the Internet. The TV had no chance to progress into totally-enveloping media reality depicted in the book, losing the race to more modern media. While Bradbury’s technology prediction hadn’t been correct, his social predictions had proved to be uncannily true, if somewhat optimistic. The all-world media programming is here, broadcasted by orbiting satellites, â€Å"turns the globe into a repertory theater to be programmed† (McLuhan, p9). And the news brought to us by every source – from TV to Internet and even to Radio – are apt to be manipulated simultaneously, as was shown brilliantly in â€Å"Wag the Dog†. The censorship depicted by Bradbury isn’t here; instead, we have a total media coverage that produces fake events undistinguishable from real. People do not need to follow instructions told to them on TV; instead, we follow the views and ideas presented to us daily. The Electric Dog doesn’t roam the streets: the society is our Electric Dog that doesn’t kill nonconformists in real sense but effectively blocks ‘them’ from ‘us’. What brings salvation and hope in Bradbury’s world after the holocaust are Bible words. It doesn’t mean that he relies on religion to carry us through the new Dark Ages – rather, he tells us about our inner faith, which isn’t expressed but felt and understood. But as no holocaust had happened yet, only those who really feels in need seek salvation, others are content with what they’ve got. Bradbury’s views on government in Fahrenheit border with clear accusations of fascism, the burning of books being the most obvious historical reference. But fascism in US had became such a popular scare since the end of WWII that we don’t fear it as much anymore. After all, if government would ever decide to apply a ‘stricter’ views to economics like Roosevelt’s New Deal in 30’s, (which is quite possible now because of economics crisis), most voices would be raised in its defense rather than in its critics. People feel the government to be controlled by them, not the other way round. In Fahrenheit society education of youth program them to see their world as unquestionably right, defies critical thinking and praises the conformity instead. This is not only an exaggerated, but also a distorted picture of modern education, depicted just to scare us even more, to create a sense of further isolation of Guy Montag from the world. Bradbury doesn’t give much attention to the youth; this is sensible, for what he longs for is the past. Fahrenheit’s ending can be seen as a longing for â€Å"Golden Age†, the times that never were real but always in our eyes seem to be brighter than today. It is a hymn to nostalgia. But one cannot contemplate his past too long – he must consider the future. We should look ahead and be brave, no matter what dangers are waiting for us there. Works Cited Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. Published by Del Rey Books, Random House Publishing Group, 1953, renewed 1981. McLuhan, Marshall, From Clichà © to Archetype, Published by Viking Adult, 1970. Wag the Dog, by Barry Levinson, 1997 (the movie).

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Clearwater Seafoods case Essay

Clearwater Seafood (Clearwater) is a seafood company located on the east coast of Canada, and Clearwater Seafood income Fund with operations around the world. As a result of the increasing importance of the Canadian dollar relative to other currencies of the world, Clearwater recently stopped paying their distributions. The decision faced by the financial director to determine the strategy of the company should take to enable it to recover its distribution. This is due to the choice between various financial and operational resources to hedge currency risks that brought the company to its current situation Background: Clearwater was founded in 1976 at Bedford, Nova Scotia as a local lobster distributer and later in 2002 went public. Clearwater Seafood harvests, processes, and distributes fresh and frozen fish and shellfish to sell worldwide. It holds major offshore rights to harvest clams, crab, lobster, scallops, and shrimp off the north eastern coast of Canada. Clearwater Seafood operates its own fleet of ships, along with off-shore and on-shore processing facilities. Foreign Exchange Risk: Foreign exchange risk is the risk to the value of one’s assets when it is valued in another currency. The exchange rate of a currency to another may be volatile. It is this change in value of the currency that gives rise to foreign exchange risk. Depreciation in the currency in which your assets are denominated will result in a lower value of your assets when measured in another currency compared to the period before depreciation. The majority of Clearwater’s customers are international customers. In 2005, majority of Clearwater’s sales were from overseas customers. The source of their foreign exchange risk is the payment method that the company implements. The customers are billed in their domestic currency rather than in Canadian dollars. Clearwater deals with customers from the US, Japan, Europe and Asia. The company receives payment from its international customers in their respective currency. When the Canadian dollar appreciates in relation to all these currencies, the money that Clearwater receives from their customers loses value. The higher the Canadian dollar appreciates, the less Canadian dollars Clearwater can convert to with the US dollars, euros or yen that  they receive from their customers. Risks associated with foreign exchange are partially mitigated by the fact Clearwater operates internationally, which reduces the impact of any country ­ specific economic risks on its business. Clearwater also uses forward exchange contracts to manage its foreign currency exposures. Clearwater’s sales denominated in U.S. dollars were approximately 55% of annual sales as on December 31st 2005. These forward contracts were such that a one-cent change in the U.S. dollar as converted to Canadian dollars would result in a $505,000 change in sales and gross profit. In addition, approximately 19% of 2005 annual sales were denominated in Euros. Based on the sales and hedges in place on December 31, 2005, a one-cent change in the Euro as converted to Canadian dollars would result in a $285,000 change in sales and gross profit. Also, 8% of 2005 annual sales were denominated in Japanese Yen. Based on 2005 annual sales, every one ­ twentieth of a cent change in the Yen as converted to Canadian dollars would result in a change of  ¥118,087,000 in sales and gross profit. It is clear that Clearwater faces significant foreign exchange risk and the implications of an adverse change in the currency conversions can be too huge for the company to endure. Business risk: Business risk is the possibility that a company will have lower than anticipated profits or the company will incur a loss. Business risk may influenced by numerous factors, including sales volume, per-unit price, input costs, competition, and overall economic climate and government regulations. Clearwater’s business depends on a continuing supply of product that meets its quality and quantity requirements. Water temperatures, feed in the water and the presence of predators all influence the level of the catch and harvesting locations are not necessarily consistently successful from year to year. The availability of seafood in Canadian and Argentinean waters is also dependent on the total allowable catch allocated to Clearwater in a given area. Although the totals allowable catch in these areas and Clearwater’s enterprise allocations have been largely stable, fishery regulators have the right to make changes in the total allowable catch based on their assessment of the resource from time to time. Any reduction of total allowable catches in the areas from which Clearwater sources seafood, or the reduction of stocks due to changes in the  environment or the health of certain species, may have a material adverse effect on Clearwater’s financial condition and results of operations. Resource risk is managed through adherence to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (†DFO†) policies and guidelines. The guidelines, developed by DFO, are very often a cooperative effort between industry participants and DFO. Clearwater mitigates the risk associated with resource supply and competition through the diversification across species. Clearwater’s operating costs may be negatively affected by increases in inputs, such as energy costs, raw material and commodity prices. Clearwater uses fuel, electricity, air and ocean freight and other materials in the production, packaging and distribution of its products. Fuel and freight are two significant components of the costs of Clearwater’s products and the distribution thereof the inability of any of Clearwater’s suppliers to satisfy its requirements or a material increase in the cost of these inputs may have an adverse effect on Clearwater’s financial condition and results of operations. The seafood industry is highly competitive in all of the markets in which Clearwater participates. Some of Clearwater’s competitors have more significant operations within the marketplace, a greater diversification of product lines and greater economic resources than Clearwater and are well established as suppliers to the markets that Clearwater serves. Such competitors may be better able to withstand volatility within the seafood industry and throughout the economy as a whole while retaining greater operating and financial flexibility than Clearwater. There can be no assurance that Clearwater will be able to compete successfully against its current or future competitors or that competition will not affect Clearwater’s financial condition and results of operations. Recommendations for management: Foreign Exchange Risk: Clearwater did not completely offset the recent currency fluctuations with their hedge positions and they paid the price for it. It is recommended that they fully hedge all their foreign exchange positions. FPI is an example of a competitor in the industry who has benefited from doing so. FPI was largely unaffected by the currency fluctuation that badly affected Clearwater. This is justified by FPI’s increase in sales from 2003 to 2004  where Clearwater had corresponding drop in sales during the same period. It is also recommended that Clearwater switch its short call options to long call options. In its current short call position, Clearwater is the seller of the option and has no right to exercise the option. Clearwater is responsible to meet its obligations in the case the counterparty exercises the option at strike price. In a nut shell, under this short call position, Clearwater does not eliminate uncertainty on currency prices, its counterpart however does. Instead of this position, Clearwater should enter in long call options to hedge its foreign exchange risk. They should lock in prices to buy Canadian dollars in all the foreign currencies that they receive as payment such as US dollars, yen, euro, sterling and others. If the Canadian dollar were to appreciate, they would exercise the call option at the stipulated strike price and this would cut their losses of further appreciation. If the Canadian dollar were to depreciate, Clearwater would merely lose the price paid for the option premium. Overall, Clearwater benefits from this long call position regardless whether the exchange rate appreciates or depreciates as they have removed uncertainty in the exchange rate. Clearwater should also diversify its hedging strategies and enter into a matching receipts and payments strategy. This method involves offsetting receipts and payments. As a major part of their foreign exposure is to the US dollar, it is recommended that they rearrange some of their purchasing arrangement with its current domestic suppliers and switch to suppliers from the United States. By switching to American suppliers, they will be billed in US dollars. The US dollars that Clearwater receives from its American customers can be used to pay the bills that are denominated in US dollars. This directly nullifies any volatility in the US dollar to Canadian dollar exchange rate. Clearwater should enter into agreements with its large counterparties to receive payment in Canadian dollars. This will transfer the risk onto the other party’s head and will allow matching strategy to be implemented. This may not be possible for the smaller parties that owe Clearwater money. Another alternative would be for Clearwater to hedge their currency positions through investing in gold. It has been a common business practice for many years to use gold or other precious metals to hedge currency positions. The company could consider keeping gold in their portfolios to guard against economic downturns. As the seafood industry is  an industry that is primarily based on international trade, the success of any company in this industry will rely on the way the company manages its foreign exchange risk. Clearwater should expand its foreign exchange management program with qualified financial professional who have years of prior knowledge in hedging currency positions. Operating and Business risk: As compared to its competitors FPI and American Seafoods Group, Clearwater offers more high-value seafood products with higher prices. Therefore it is highly unlikely that the company has the ability to pass on any increases in fuel prices to their customers, without a negative impact on their profit margins. It is recommended that the company buys a fuel swap to hedge against fuel prices. In addition to that, the company could also consider buying a fuel call option. If the price of fuel increases, the company will receive a return on the option that offsets their actual cost of fuel. In terms of expanding its market, I believe that Clearwater should look into entering the Chinese market in the future. The increasing demand for high-value seafood in China has been fuelled by its growing middle class. The company could market its seafood products as being fresh and natural to beat the local Asian aquaculture competitors who currently dominate that market. In order to fund the fuel hedge as well as the China marketing cost, it is advised that Clearwater sell off surplus TACs. Clearwater currently owns the highest percentage of TACs in Canada. It is recommended that clam TACs be sold as Clearwater currently has full TAC ownership of clams with the largest quota of 44,000. However clams only make about 15.6% of the company’s sales which suggest that the profit margins on clams is relatively small compared to scallops or lobsters who have sales percentage of 31.3% and 22.5% respectively and TAC quotas of 10,275 and 720 respectively. I believe it is logical to make a small sacrifice to gain funding to hedge volatile fuel cost as well as fund marketing costs into a new segment. Greater good is expected at the cost of a small sacrifice. As the company currently faces difficulty in the foreign exchange market, this way of funding ignores currency rates as Clearwater will be selling their TACs to other Canadian companies which would be paying for the TACs in the Canadian dollars.